You Only Have the Present Moment

I recently finished listening to the “Power of Now” by Eckart Tolle. Every time I read/listen to this book I gain more understanding of the consciousness in the present moment. One of many insightful sayings that Eckart Tolle says in his book is, “Focus your attention on the Now and tell me what problem you have at this moment.” Wow! This quote hits home for me.  I often find myself, either worrying about something that has already happened or I am making up a story about something that hasn’t happened yet, both of which I have no control over. Why do we constantly dwell in the past or fear the future, when all we truly have control over, is the present moment? It seems so simple, right? You mentor, your spiritual teacher, your sports coach, says ‘just be present and you will have no worries’. And you’re thinking, ugh …that’s hard! You are correct; it’s not easy to be present in this world of unconsciousness and ego.

I have a history of anxiety and have realized, after years of self-reflection, that anxiety is just a product of our mind, ego and made up judgments. Therefore, when I find myself in that unbalanced state, I BREATH, REFLECT and bring my thoughts to the present moment. We cannot control outside forces but we can control our mind and breath. In chaos we can find stillness, breath and the body will start becoming conscious of the present moment. When we transform into a state of consciousness, we will find peace within ourselves and outside ourselves. When the mind wonders to thoughts of the past or future, we will lose our breath and our peace. This is growth and its okay to allow the thoughts to drift off and away and come back to the present moment. It is a back and forth movement within your energy.

This week, find time to be still and feel the peaceful present moment. When you do this you will have no worries, no anxiety, no headache, no racing heartbeats, you will simply have inner peace. If you do not have a meditation practice, just sit in the stillness for 1 minute. Start with just 1 minute. My yoga teacher said to me years ago, ‘it only takes 1 minute to find inner peace’.  Be kind to yourself, love yourself and be present.

Sending love & light ….

