
Have you had a serendipitous moment? OH isn’t it grand? Extraordinary moments are little glimpses of our higher self and our true soul essence.  The dictionary meaning of Serendipity is – ‘the occurrence and development of events by chance, in a happy or beneficial way’. Deepak Chopra explains from his book Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles, “We cannot even imagine the complex forces behind every event that occurs in our lives. You never know how and when any life experience will reappear. You never know when a coincidence will lead to the opportunity of a lifetime.”


I want to share a personal story, of serendipitous moments, both happy and sad, that changed my life forever.  Some time ago, I managed vacation rentals for a company in Bozeman, Montana and after working in this field for a few years; I was told that I must acquire my property managers’ license, to continue working for the company. I was not happy about this requirement, as I knew that an exam would be required to receive the license. Since I was a child, I have always had extreme anxiety around test taking, I get nervous, tense up and want to run away. I knew that I must try; therefore I took a weeklong course, in preparation for the exam. I took and failed the test three times.  It took every part of my being to keep my head up. With the support of my husband, I decided to take it one more time. I studied my ass off, and I felt very confidant. I failed the test by 1 point! No More! This was a sign, and I have always lived by the mantra, ‘everything happens for a reason’. I was forced to evaluate what I was going to do next, as I had to leave the company.


My hardship pushed me to explore my soul for what I ‘wanted’ to do, not what I presumed I ‘should’ do. During my time of curiosity and wondering, I realized that I have always wanted, since I was a little girl, to help people. I decided to look into massage school and I signed up! I was all ready to start, when my husband, (I’m convinced he is my physical spirit guide), had a feeling and questioned my path. I became frustrated at him, as I was ready to go and I was excited. He said “why don’t you sit with this, for a bit, and maybe go to the next session that, offered later in the year. After lots of meditation, I decided to wait. During this waiting period, and much research, I decided to look more into Energy Healing, rather than massage. I found the school that I wanted to attend, but the travel and cost were simply out of my reach, at the moment, and I must wait once more.


In needing to do something and what serendipitously appeared before me, was a great job at a cycling studio in town. This amazing studio, the people and culture, would serve to play a major role in what I do today. Settled into the day to day, I get an email from the Energy Healing School, that I put to the side. There was going to be a Foundations Class in Salt Lake City. A Foundations Class is the pre-requisite for the degree program and may be within my reach. At first, I was feeling as if it logistically could not happen, as I already had travel plans around the time of the class.  As it turns out, I was traveling through Salt Lake the day the class was to start. And on top of that, my cost for the class was discounted, because I had already done a portion online. Double Serendipity!


These extraordinary events, and years later, led me to graduating Energy Healing School and creating my private practice. Remember all the great folks at the Cycling Studio? I met an amazing woman, who is a massage therapist and has a successful massage therapy practice.  Another serendipitous moment happened when I was offered a space in her studio, business guidance and a place to call home.


All of the synchronicities lead me to my true soul essence, to help people in need.  It started with me failing a property management license exam, which, at the time, I thought was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. Had I passed that exam, I could have continued to work at the vacation rental business, which was not my true mission in this lifetime. Although painful at the time, the synchronicity happened at just the right time in my life, to allow the transition to my true passion.


The lesson here is being true to your higher self. If it does not feel right or its not going the way you want it to go, there is a reason why. I will end with another excerpt from one of Deepak Chopra’s books, The Spontaneous fulfillment of Desire. “How do you know which of your intentions is likely to be fulfilled? The answer lies in paying attention to the clues provided by the unconscious mind. Notice the coincidences in your life. Coincidences are messages. They are clues from God or spirit or non-local reality, urging you to break out of your karmic conditioning, your familiar patterns of thinking. They are offering you an opportunity to enter a domain of awareness where you feel loved or cared for by the infinite intelligence that is your source. Spiritual traditions call this the state of grace”.


Sending love & light …


Love is Greater than Fear


You Only Have the Present Moment