Master Your Love

You are LOVE. As a collective, our mission on this earth and in this lifetime, is to master ‘UNCONDITIONAL LOVE’. Love is a natural emotion, as we are born with absolute pure love and light. Thus, it is your freedom to feel the love that is swirling within, and to dive deep into your love. NOW, be the love and light that was born within you and around you. ANY darkness, within you will lift as your awareness to love and light gets stronger. In all moments, be the light; be the LOVE and master your souls natural sense given to you. Start believing that you have light and love within you. As you master and harness the power of love and light, outside influences will have less and less effect on your true soul power! Commit to and have complete faith in this process!

 Who are you? What is your purpose? Sometimes, in order to answer these questions we must first simply love, as this soul essence resides within you. Master the love – feel your heart – sit and be still and feel and hear your heart beating – You’re alive! Then bring that aliveness into presence. Share your love! When we master love, all else will fall into place. Love and healing go hand in hand, it will bring you to a place of beauty. Take the time to find your love – find it through a passion. What is your passion? We all have a gift to share with the world; do not sell yourself short. What is your GIFT?  I have found my love through devotional chanting. When I am chanting I find myself in a place of pure love –where nothing will affect me. I have no pain, just pure love energy surrounding me. I feel the freedom, I’m alive, safe, content, happy…..that is LOVE and it has led to a new beginning!

Devotional Chanting allows me to go to a place of absolute pure love. When I am chanting I feel my heart, I feel my soul power. It’s magical. Click below to watch a video of me chanting in front of my sacred alter. This video is far from perfect; laundry basket in background, dog walking around, my voice cracks while chanting, and I found myself in a place of vulnerability I will tell you though the vibration of this video is candid and raw just like the heart.


Love is Greater than Fear