Love is Greater than Fear

I know for me, fear has, at times, taken over my soul.  My mind creates all sorts of stories; ‘nobody is going to like my new creation’, ‘my business is going to fail’, ‘I can’t do this’, and so on…. When we live with fear, the negative mantras we say to ourselves, can manifest into our physical life. I have real experience with this self-sabotage, and until I did my spiritual work, it had continual negative effects on my life. During my awakening, I learned to give more power to the love within, rather than fueling the fear.  

If you resonate with my story of self-sabotage, then join me and start your journey towards love, not fear.  What do I mean when I say ’Love’? What does love mean to you? The love I am referencing, is an intense feeling of deep affection for oneself. We must love ourselves first, before we can love others in our lives.  This is an ideology severely forgotten in our society, as we skip the step of loving ourselves prior to loving others.  This is also true for the love of a pet, a job, a sport or activity, or possession. We cast our own needs aside, and believe we must love others first, in order to feel good about ourselves. We do this as co-workers, as partners and as parents, and fear that if we do not love others more than ourselves, they will leave. We must love ourselves FIRST, as we are potentially manifesting that what we fear.

If you do not truly love yourself how will you be able to truly love another?  This concept is very complex and is unique to every individual.  Perhaps you start slow, with the simplest actions.  Do you practice “self-care” days for yourself? My idea of a “self-care” day, is to sit quietly with myself and my soul, to find the presence of my higher self, my true essence. Some of us must dig deep into our soul to find the love for ourselves. It will take effort and patience to find the deep-rooted love within, and we all are unique in where and how to find it.

Recently, I found this amazing, guided meditation focusing on self-love. In meditation, all thoughts wander away and you find deep relaxation, as your higher self will emerge from the shadowed fear and you will feel love surrounding you.  This practice is one that can help lead you down the path of self-love and teach you that it is ok, and necessary, for peace within.


Master Your Love

